Mark 1:26

Mark 1:26
   There are occasions where having a good knowledge of Greek can be quite helpful. And why is this? Well though it is possible that the man was here literally ‘torn’ or hurt in some way, that is most likely not the case. A couple of friends you can often turn to for sticky Greek issues are Robertson and Wuest. Though I would hesitate to approve everything they ever wrote, these two fellows can help in jams where a good handle on the Greek comes in handy.
   Looking to help such as this we can gather that, though the word here can mean to tare, it is more likely to mean to convulse. Indeed, Robertson will tell you that the loud outcry was more of a high-pitched scream than anything.
   So, with the help of these friends, we can see what is really happening here. The unclean spirit, being much like a spoiled brat deprived of a prized toy, is throwing a little temper tantrum as he is forced out of the man. He throws the man into a fit and screams with one of those blood-curdling deals that simply means ‘I’m mad because I’m not getting my way!’ In other words, as the book of Revelation shows, the evil world loses, and that’s that. The devil and all of his followers can scream as much as they want, but it won’t change the fact that Jesus Christ is Lord!

Bible Reading: Malachi 4:1-Matthew 4:25

Scripture Memory: James 5:4 “Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for your knowledge about us. You know our shortcomings. You understand our sin. You know what we need, and you solve the problem your way. You don’t give us what we want so much as what we need. Thank you for taking good care of us. Your wondrous love is absolutely amazing! May we never cease to focus on your glory and honor rather that on our shortcomings. We have fallen short, period. Only you may change that. To look to you in your great Power and Holiness is all that we can do. Your Son is our only hope. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for the high level of gang activity in Chattanooga. Pray for a woman exposed to sickness at work. Pray for a lot of people that will be looking for work next year.

Journal Entry #15010

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