Mark 1:22

Mark 1:22
   Though it may seem to some foolish to presume, I think we can know why it is that Jesus’ teaching brought about such astonishment. This is not because we are somehow as wise as the Lord Christ. It is simply because we know the message of the gospel. We understand the great contrast between the teachings that the Jewish people were used to, and the contrast that the truth presents. This is not to say that Jesus astonished them only because of the content of his message. Jesus astonished them because he is the Christ, and it would only be expected for him to astonish all of his hearers. But, it is not just his own delivery of truth that impressed, it was also the message itself. For his message, the truth of God’s Word, is uniquely his own anyway. When it is taught today it still astonishes because it is his. The gospel minister is passing on not his own teaching, but the teaching of Christ. Paul said it this way: “We preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake.”
   In other words, the Lord Jesus astonished his hearers because the message of Christ contains this authority that the people sensed. Truth and authority go hand in hand. Absolute truth needs the approval of absolute power. Timeless truth needs the energy of a timeless existence. Transforming truth needs the influence of a transforming Agent. Christ taught of himself. And he did it clearly, directly, and with all of the authority of heaven.
   His message was very different from that of the scribes. They had man’s ways. They used subtle fables, fancy wordings, and showy analogies. Their teaching left the listener with an enigmatic idea of what was actually being said. Trying to be on the cutting edge of truth, they were so far out in left field they couldn’t find their own line of reasoning. They had to appear righteous, sagacious, elite, and powerful. But, a blow-fish will be sniffed out. And the people knew the difference.
  Jesus taught the same law, but he taught as thought that law had been written twenty-five minutes ago to a mankind that might go into eternity in the next five. Every word was important. What the text said, it actually meant. The Words of the Almighty Jehovah God they were all used to hearing suddenly became the words of their own dad or mom when they were growing up telling them the true lessons of life. It had a familiar, poignant, intensely significant ring to it. It seemed as if all of heaven and earth hung upon what was being said. Indeed, those who would have heard Christ would come away with a strong sense that what he had just said was more real and sure than the very ground underneath their feet. It was at the same time a beautiful dream and a rock-solid reality. Thus is the truth from the Christ.

Bible Reading: Zephaniah 1:1-Haggai 2:23

Scripture Memory: James 5:3 “Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, it is easy for us to look at the lives of others and think that they have it all together. We wonder why we are not serving you as well as it seems they are. We think we need a change of scenery, or a different occupation. We get caught up in our circumstances and feel trapped. We think that if things were different we would somehow be better off. But no. Your ability to lead us and guide us does not change no matter what our circumstances may be. Yes, we need to be in your will. But your will for us will always start with exactly where we are right now. We have to be fully surrendered to your way in our present circumstances. Only then would we even know if a change is needed. Lead us in the way that you would have us to go, rather than what we might want. Father, I know that my purpose can be found right where I am. If you need me elsewhere you will not move me unless I am following you right where I am. Thank you for the Lord Jesus, he is the realm in which I need a change. I can grow in him every day. I do need a fresh start, and new horizon, a different home, another occupation, more responsibility, a different set of activities – and I need all of these within the person of Christ, not in my circumstances. All of the new and different that my soul longs for can be found in the familiar, constant, daily relationship with this Wonderful Person that I call Savior. If it were not so, what kind of a God would you be? Ah, all that we could ever need may be found in you, Almighty Creator. You are the theme of my song, the inspiration for my art, the spark of my imagination, the flame of my love, the motive for my ambition, the juice of my creativity, and the very expression of my meaning. You embody all that I need to explore for all of eternity. I can never exhaust all that I might find in your gentle gaze. Thank you for loving us, dear Father! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a husband and wife that are sick. Pray for a young lady with an important test today. Pray for a man who has cancer and is unsaved.

Journal Entry #15006

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