Mark 1:21

Mark 1:21
   Though synagogues were not directly a part of what had been commanded in the law, they seem to have worked in the favor of good doctrine on many occasions. And why is this? Well, though the hypocritical Jewish leaders did use the synagogues against Jesus, they had difficulty controlling them outside of Jerusalem. Indeed, the synagogue became a part of Jewish life and culture that somewhat transcended the temple worship at the time. Though this was not meant under the law, because of the prophesied failure of the law’s system due to disobedience, the synagogue became an idea seedbed for the gospel in Jewish life. Though this ‘new’ synagogue system was a man-made solution, it had one very helpful feature. There were many of them. Multitude and variety have their perfecting work when it comes to sifting out the evil of the mass of men. Though mob sentiment is never good, the collective sentiments of a large mass of people sifted out by these small institutions from city to city have a great work in crystallizing a good intent and better learning among the whole.
   Indeed, it is this very type of pattern that the church of Jesus Christ itself follows. Though the church has much more in the way of benefits and improvements than the synagogue could ever dream of, the pattern is somewhat similar. When we find a large number of congregations in various places, city to city, town to town, rather than large, mono-headed ecclesiastical synods or hierarchies, we find a greater sense of the true desire of Christ for his glorious church. The multiplicity filters out the weird tendencies instigated by our sinful frame and pulls together a beautiful body of persons who are unified in their intent to worship the Lord Jesus. So, if anything, the synagogue was, as John was to Jesus, a good (but temporary) forerunner to the church.
   It is then to the synagogue in Capernaum that Jesus comes to teach. We should not be, by the way, surprised that he was allowed entrance and audience. Even if he had not been familiar in some way to them, any teacher with some credit to his name might be found to have a minute to speak in this venue. Indeed, the synagogue was a good place for the less ‘accepted’ ideas to spout forth. Though this may be a danger in many cases, as we see here it is often a great blessing. The tide of the truth and revival will not generally issue forth from the seminary turrets, but from the makeshift pulpits of the country and inner-city churches.

Bible Reading: Nahum 2:1-Habakkuk 3:19

Scripture Memory: James 5:3 “Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the messages yesterday and the things you have been teaching me over the last few days. It is amazing how it all goes together. I am sure you know just exactly what I need to hear. I finally realize that if I continue to make my life all that I ever hoped it would be I will fail. I can trust you because no matter how surrendered to you I become what you have in mind for my life is infinitely better than all that I might want for myself. I can trust you. You are the One who gave me hope to begin with. My very life is designed and made by you. You have the blueprints, so you can handle it. Oh Father, may we all live in service to you! You are worthy of our very breath! To live for you is a joy, and to come to you would be far better. May we live to serve your ways and will for our lives. You have the best plan. Let me lay mine down so that I might see what yours looks like. I know that if I do I must accept all that it is with joy. But, I have no fear of your plan because I know it is the consummation of all that I could ever hope to be. You have never let me down. Thank you for your love! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man hoping to come home from the hospital this week. Pray for a man hoping to get out of rehab this week. Pray for a woman burdened for several lost family members.

Journal Entry #15005

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