Mark 1:20

Mark 1:20
   As we read Scripture it is sometimes easy to lose touch with the reality of the lives of those who are found there. But, these were real people. They had loves and concerns, and fears, just as anyone has. So, do not miss the human element in the Bible accounts.
   For example, we see here in this verse an extra piece of information that was deemed worthy of inclusion. Given Mark’s quick style, any included facts are worth noting. This gospel doesn’t throw in much detail, so where details are found they are to be noted especially.
   What is this detail? The leaving of Zebedee in the ship with the hired servants. This could have been left out completely and not have been missed. We would not have known this fact from this gospel at all had it not been mentioned. It would have not been seen as missing from the story. The flow of thought would have remained unhindered. And yet, here it is. Why?
   Well, though some two thousand years later it seems needless, the mention of an individual’s father would have been quite important at the time. That Mark here records the structure of James’ and John’s occupation in that it was apparently a family business would surely be special to them. Though we have no connection to Zebedee, it would make all the difference if this were our own kin being left behind as we went to serve Christ. Indeed, all of a sudden, the story would take on altogether new meaning. We might ask questions like, why was Zebedee left behind, and not invited to follow Christ with the rest? Were some others there that day that were invited, but failed to follow? Was Zebedee happy about the situation that his sons left him in? These are the kinds of questions we begin to ask when we remember that the Bible is not a dead book. It is alive, and it records the lives of real people who were changed by the Eternal Son of God, Jesus Christ.

Bible Reading: Micah 4:1-Nahum 1:15

Scripture Memory: James 5:2 “Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.” 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I am so glad that we can always trust you! You are never untrustworthy. Your faithfulness is absolutely unquestionable. I can look to you at any time and find you exactly where you have always been, in charge of it all. You have not fallen, flinched, retired, abated, or taken a break. You are constant. All that I see that is so regular, like the marching of time, finds its regularity in you. I can depend upon Christ not only for life eternal, but for life today. All that I am may rest upon his Sovereign Person. I can stake all that I have and all that I am upon his continued love and steadfastness in any second of the day. Never will I find him to fail me. He is always there. And why, because you owe this to me? No. Simply because of your awesome glory! You are above all, you are over all, you are more than all! There is not one shred of worthiness in my soul, and yet that makes no difference before the absolute power of your gracious love. You, dear Father, have given all to us through Christ, and yet you have lost nothing. You have gained all glory while giving so much to your servants. Christ has paid the greatest price, but is yet richer than all of eternity can fathom. You dear Lord are the Consummation of Holiness, the Absolute Expression of Brightness, and the Very Definition of Love. I bow before you in awe and devotion. May I always find myself surrendered to you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man in the hospital in poor condition. Pray for a man with cancer in both of his kidneys. Pray for a woman who lost a loved one at this time last year.

Journal Entry #15004

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