Mark 1:18

Mark 1:18
   We have in this verse two very important ideas. For one, these brothers forsook their nets. This translation of the word is very appropriate. It means more than that they simply dropped their nets. They gave them up. They left off caring about them. They were finished with that part of their life.
The second significant idea is expressed by the fact that they followed Christ. The word here means more than to simply follow because someone is going in the direction you want to go. This signifies following a leader, becoming a disciple. They were choosing to follow Christ as their Teacher and Master.
   One other important thing to notice in this verse is the structure of the sentence. It is not completely clear in the English, but it is in the Greek. These men immediately followed Christ. The forsaking of the nets was an attendant circumstance. It is secondary, whereas the following is the primary idea.
   This is very applicable because we often will remind ourselves of all that must be given up to follow Christ. However, the forsaking of other employments is secondary to the decision to follow the Master. If an individual is truly trusting Christ fully, the leaving of other entanglements is much more simple. Thus, we should avoid telling people what they must give up for Christ before we tell them why they should follow him. True followers will accept the price, but others will fail to do so.

Bible Reading: Daniel 2:1-3:30

Scripture Memory: James 5:2 “Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you so much for this wonderful Christmas Day! It’s great to have family all around us! We love you so much and we love each other so much! Having these wonderful children, and Lord, a safe and happy home, is such a blessing! Lord we ask that you bless another year if it be your will so that we may be witnesses for you everyday. Help our children to have faith in you. And Father help us to continually faithfully serve you with patience and kindness. O thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ you sent so long ago to die for us! We’re so glad that we can have salvation from our sins! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for several people who are recovering from the flu. Pray for a man in a rehab hospital.

Journal Entry #14345

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