Mark 1:13

Mark 1:13
   If we are not careful in our understanding of the will of God, it would be very easy to become confused by this particular verse. It is not God’s will for evil to happen. However, he may allow evil to do things for a time. He allowed for Jesus to be put into the wilderness, in a situation where he was challenged and tempted physically. Jesus was hungry, Jesus was tired, Jesus was in want physically. Emotionally and spiritually I’m sure it was difficult as well. However, the difference between him and our original father Adam, is his divinity. Though we have record in the other gospels of the temptation of Satan at the end of the 40 days, the entire temptation extended for this entire time. There have may have been other interchanges between the evil one and Christ. But, our record of the last encounter would be how the other ones had gone as well. Our sinful foe only has 3 tricks up his sleeve. And he uses them over and over with mankind. With the Christ, however, they fell flat.
This mention of wild beasts may seem strange to some. However, it serves to remind us of the horrible weight of sin upon the creation. Even the animals are affected by the punishment of sin, the curse reaches to them as well. It is, then, after this long testing, a significant number of days, that the angels come to minister to the Lord Jesus. No living man had ever been through such an ordeal of testing, trial and temptation. But the blessed Son of God, the Christ, came through it unscathed and uncompromised.

Bible Reading: Ezekiel 35:1-37:28

Scripture Memory: James 4:17 “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for this wonderful day! May we lift Christ high in everything that we do. May we give him always the preeminence in all of our actions, words, thoughts and deeds. May we always keep in mind the fact that only you have our best interests at heart. You alone know the right path for our feet. You alone will always guide us in the ways that are best for our lives. We owe you our allegiance, we owe you our worship. May we give you both in humble service. We find our worth in your infinite power. We find our satisfaction in your infinite love. May all praise be to you dear Father! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for our Christmas play. Pray for a woman with emotional issues. Pray for a woman who is very elderly.

Journal Entry #14339

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