Mark 1:8

Mark 1:8
   This a very important verse for understanding biblical baptism. Though when we think of baptism today, we think primarily of water, John did not see it that way at all. Though he may have anticipated water baptism continuing, he understood that the baptism of the Holy Spirit was the thing to focus on. His words here cannot be made to mean other than what they do very plainly mean. Jesus would have the power to baptize with the Holy Spirit of God. Though water baptism continues as a sign of the change that has occurred, the baptism of the Spirit is the transforming agent. This of great importance in the ministry of Christ. Indeed, it is a great contrast with all that had gone before in the Jewish experience. No matter who God had used to bring His people closer to Him, nobody had the power to do this. Christ alone brings the very Spirit of God into the heart and life of an individual. Without Christ, the Spirit remains veiled, removed from the people because of the defilement of sin. This was a teaching so great, and so significant, and yet many of the followers of John probably did not understand it. Even today it is hard for us to fathom. That God would see fit to allow us to be his temple is beyond amazing. Only He could make that possible. Only by Christ has it been made possible.

Bible Reading: Ezekiel 20:1-21:32

Scripture Memory: James 4:15 “For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I could spend a lifetime enumerating the blessings that we have through Christ. May I at this time of year be extremely grateful for Your love for us. You have done all to bring great glory to Yourself. You deserve all of it. You are the Great and Mighty God of All. Christ is Your beautiful plan. He is Your most wondrous gift. All that is good we have in Him. May we praise You for all of eternity for the simple blessings of Christmas, hearth and home, and Your love as we have it from so many directions. You surround us with Your goodness, even when our lives are filled with difficulty and pain. No matter what happens, we seem to find no way to be discontent, for Your eternal promises come streaming into our hearts once and again, reminding us that You are the Source of all good things. Thank You for it all, Father! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man in critical condition. Pray for a woman having trouble with her hip. Pray for a man with colon cancer. Pray for several people with the flu.

Journal Entry #14335

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