Matthew 25:24

Matthew 25:24
   There is much here. Like the other men, he called his master lord, and yet, he did not act as if that was his true position. Indeed, he presumes to explain his precise knowledge of the master, and yet we can detect a hint of disloyalty which becomes apparent as he explains his actions. He has a rather foolish approach in that he elucidates upon the character of the master before him. This is ill-advised. The master was a good man, but it was disrespectful to address him in such a manner. The servant’s words make it sound as if the master was somehow undeserving of his profits. This is the very kind of thing that will keep many from heaven. Thinking they understand Christ better than others, they condemn themselves from their own mouth.

Bible Reading: Song of Solomon 5:1-Isaiah 1:31

Scripture Memory: James 4:3 “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You can never be ridiculed because Your enemies them find themselves in compromising situations. You have the last word, so to speak. The devil and all his followers can never even truly understand Your nature, let alone find a cause for accusation in Your character. You are altogether Holy! Thank You for Your faithfulness. It is great! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a a man who had surgery today. Pray for a woman starting a new job.

Journal Entry #14297

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