Matthew 25:4

Matthew 25:4
   Though the world sees it as foolishness, there is much comfort in the prepared state of the Christian life. When we live a prepared life, a life that is always in tune with the eternal, we are ready for every eventuality. Death may not take us unprepared. Judgment may not fall upon us. God’s wrath is not our destiny. No scheme of man can be a final end to our hope. Thus, living prepared, is living ready to go. Without this state, the circumstances of life are an endless barrage of unexpectedness. The curves of life throw us under the bus, so to speak. With this preparedness in place, we live life instead of life living us. It is the difference between a temporary human living a transitory life, and a citizen of heaven living part of our existence here on earth. This life is, for the prepared, only a part of the overall picture. It is but a temporary home.

Bible Reading: Psalm 119:1-85

Scripture Memory: James 3:13 “Who is a wise man and endued with wisdom among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for answered prayer! You know our every need before we ask! Thank You for Your reassurance as we bring before You our loved ones. You know our hearts and that we will always ask for Your blessings. How can we ask for anything else from You? You are the Source of every good thing. You alone have our best interest at heart. Never let us forget Your amazing love! Thank You for Your Son and the mercy that we have through His shed blood on Calvary. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a woman with a painful pleurisy in her lungs. Pray for a woman battling pneumonia. Pray for a man having minor surgery. Pray for a couple that is travelling.

Journal Entry #14277

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