Matthew 23:17

Matthew 23:17
   Professing to be wise, they had become fools. The conclusions to which they had come regarding true holiness illustrated their lack of scruples. Little more than a religious cloak for a money-making scheme was the sin of these supposedly pious men. Though they pretended to love the poor, they loved what they could get from that pretense. Their supposed wisdom defied simple logic and their foolishness became the more apparent the more they tried to appear holy.
   An important thing to keep in mind is that there were those among the Pharisees whose conscience troubled them. Of such were Saul (who we know primarily as Paul) and Nicodemus. These men really thought they were doing what was right, and a meeting with Jesus changed their lives.

Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 23:1-24:25

Scripture Memory: James 2:14 “What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, how can we praise You enough? You are the Almighty Creator who has fashioned us after Your own will and way. You have made every part of us. You have put it all together and it was perfect in the day in which You created it. Your Masterful design is all about us. And yet, because of our choice to sin, and the consequences of it, we live in a broken world. And, although it is our fault, You have most amazingly made a way for us to be redeemed. You have brought all of the glory to Yourself. For, it is doubtless that You can do and make whatever You want, and yet You choose to redeem people out of this creation. To what end? To bring great glory to Yourself, and rightly so. For, You are truly worthy of all the honor and glory and majesty and honor and riches. All of the wisdom and might and power and greatness are Yours forever and ever! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man who is travelling for medical treatments. Pray for a man who is in the hospital and is having some major setbacks in his health. Pray for a man who is travelling.

Journal Entry #14198

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