Matthew 23:9

Matthew 23:9
   It is important to understand the situation in Jesus’ day, which continues in orthodox Judaism until today. The Torah is the biblical law given to Moses. There was then the Mishna, which is the ‘oral law’ that is not found in the scriptures. And then there is the Talmud, which is a commentary on the Mishna. The Talmud and Mishna were, and are, considered as equal in authority to the Torah. So, the ‘fathers’ of the Jews, the scribes, pharisees, rabbis, etc. were able to add to the Mishna and Talmud. Thus, like the Pope today speaking ‘ex cathedra’ they could make statements that were considered equal with holy scripture. This bears no more authority than the Quran, or the writings of Budism or Hinduism, or any other heathen religions.
   Thus, Jesus is attacking the idea of spiritual fathers. These men could ‘lord it over’ the souls of others. They could judge other men’s souls while claiming their own righteousness. They could condemn one to hell and exalt another to heaven in consideration of monetary remuneration. It is just this kind of arrogance that caused the monk, Martin Luther, to be one of the agitators of the great reformation.
   This is what Jesus is vociferously attacking. Preaching against sin very strongly is not wrong. Being called by a name of respect out of a recognition of the office God has given to a person is not wrong. Being a ‘holy father’ that can unilaterally condemn a person’s soul to hell, that is very wrong! The body of believers as a group in a local assembly can make judgments that are binding, but this does not include saving or un-saving anybody.
  So, the avoidance of confusion surrounding a title is very important. It would be better to be called ‘hey you’ than to be seen as an ecclesiastical potentate.

Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 28:1-31:13

Scripture Memory: James 2:11 “For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if though kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, the more I learn about You, the more I see how loving and kind You are! You can never be completely understood by my finite mind, but the more I do understand, the more I am amazed. You are the joy of my contemplation. I can never thank You enough for all that You have done for me. Your Son is the Savior of my life. He has made me able to know You. Oh God, I am so glad to know You! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man who has stomach trouble. Pray for a young woman with bad flea bites. Pray for a man who is unsaved. Pray for our upcoming VBS.

Journal Entry #14190

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