Matthew 23:8

Matthew 23:8
   Please take note here that Christ is attacking primarily the pride and comparison and respect of the few problems. It is not necessarily his intent to say that we may not use titles. His point is that, under Christ, we are all equal. If a Christian is, for example, a judge, it would not necessarily be wrong for him to be referred to as ‘your honor’ as judges generally are. However, one in that capacity needs to understand that this title does not somehow make him better than, or above, any other person.
   The same is true with the title ‘pastor’ which we use quite regularly. It is not to be seen as a mark that that person is somehow better than others, or that their word is to be taken without question. Instead, it simply denotes that person’s area of responsibility. This would apply also to commanders in the military, employers, governors and other politicians. Give honor to whom honor is due. But, this makes no one better than another. Thus, Jesus is speaking strongly against ecclesiastical potentates who would presume to have power over men’s souls.

Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 25:1-27:12

Scripture Memory: James 2:11 “For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your great love for us! It is so good to know that we are all Your creations. So many will try to lord it over others and make them feel so small. But, before You, we are all so small. You are the Great and Mighty Eternal God. You are above all of us. You cannot be compared to anyone or anything for You are above and beyond all that is and all that ever shall be. Thank You for all that You mean to me! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man recovering from open heart surgery. Pray for a woman recovering from a bad fall. Pray for a man with bad back pain.

Journal Entry #14189

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