Matthew 22:38

Matthew 22:38
   This is the commandment to keep, for it transcends all others. Had God made a completely different world, a place that would be very foreign and strange to us, this would still be the central requirement of every being capable of love. Love is a choice that Almighty God has given us the ability to make. He has created volitional beings. We can decide, we can feel, we can judge, we can think and imagine. And, above all, we can love. Obedience is the outpouring of a heart of love. Love considers the desires of another. And love in its purest form puts us at the disposal of the loved one. We are devoted to that one.
   This is why this is that great commandment, for all others reside under it. Every word of the law may be derived from this singular command. It is not just good advice dear friends. It is the requirement of the Creator of his creation. Dare we do less than capitulate? Dare we withhold from him his just deserts? Nay to do so is foolishness. And, it is the road to destruction. May we all learn to avoid the pitfall of loving self over God.

Bible Reading: Joshua 10:1-12:24

Scripture Memory: James 2:5 “Hearken, my beloved brethren, hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which God hath promised to them that love him?”

Prayer: Gracious Heavenly Father, Your wonderful goodness to a sinner such as I is beyond amazing! Lord may we never forget the great depth of your love. Father keep us from failing to remember You’re great plan in sending your son for even the least of us. How could we ever thank you enough? No matter how bad we may be, no matter how much an enemy of You we are, You father have made a way for us to escape the great burden of sin. Lord may we never look upon our fellow man and say that somehow it was easier for You to pardon us that it would be for You to pardon them! Lord we all are sold as slaves to sin. But Father we all may find grace in Christ. I praise You Father, You are wondrous, You are holy, You are just, pure, and altogether lovely. The Lord Jesus Christ is not just my inspiration or encouragement, He is my Savior. Lord we need a Savior! This old world is dying for one. And yet so many turn a blind eye to the Lord Jesus. May we live to be witnesses for him! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a group of missionaries. Pray for the family of a man who was just killed suddenly in a car accident. Pray for a couple of people that need to get back into church.

Journal Entry #14169

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