Matthew 22:30

Matthew 22:30
   Jesus deals directly with their false assumption concerning marriage in heaven. He says that those who are in the resurrection, meaning they who are saved children of God who will partake in the eternal happiness of heaven, do not marry. Men will not take a bride, nor will women be given in marriage. Then, as if by way of explanation, he says that they will be ‘as’ the angels.
  To understand this explanation of the lack of marriage in heaven, one may look to two other passages. First, the gospel of Luke (20:36) tells us that those who are in heaven will be ‘equal’ with the angels. This gives us the idea that the ‘as’ of this passage means that in the eternal bliss we will be something more than we are now, which logically must be the case. If we look at Genesis 2:18 we see that man was not sufficient by himself. Even in his perfect state, man by himself was deficient. Woman was created for man, then, to complete him. In heaven, being equal to the angels, men will not be deficient and need a helper, and women will not have the role of being the helper of the man. Each individual shall be sufficient in themselves.

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 18:1-21:23

Scripture Memory: James 2:3 “And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say unto the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool:”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You are so kind and good to us, and yet we do so little for You. Even having daily devotions is a push for us. Giving our lives as a living sacrifice to You, oh that is so hard for us it seems. But, we must remember that You have enabled it all. It is of You that we are not consumed. It is of you that we have mercy, grace, and love. It is Your work that allows us to be called the children of God. You Almighty Father, have sent Your precious Son to make us able to be Your children. We can look forward to that day in heaven when we shall be equal to the angels. What a thought! It will be glory to be a creation of Yours that is complete and holy and pure and lovely and all that You have made us to be! Wow! I can hardly wait! It is, however, a joy and privilege to serve You down here in this present world. For though it is broken, it is Your earth. You have made all of us, and not we ourselves. To live for You is the honor and pleasure that we need most in our life. Thank You for making our lives so wonderful! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a missionary family travelling. Pray for a church that has been damaged by lightening. Pray for a young woman going out of the country on a missions trip.

Journal Entry #14161

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