Matthew 21:46

Matthew 21:46
   There may be those who would not agree, but the simple fact is that the Lord was not betrayed to be crucified until it was the appointed time according to God’s timetable. Nothing in the life of Christ happened unexpectedly. He did everything just as he had planned. The actions of the Jews and their rulers never surprised him. And, despite what the Pharisees thought, he went to Golgotha just exactly when he wanted to go.

Bible Reading: Leviticus 8:1-10:20

Scripture Memory: James 1:20 “For the wrath of man worketh not the the righteousness of God.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for this day to serve You. We know that we should serve You and love You and praise You every day. But, in Your infinite wisdom, You have given us this one day of the week to especially spend time worshiping You and spending time with Your people. May we never forget Your glory. And, today, we will especially ascribe to You all that You deserve. You have all glory and honor and blessing and power in heaven and in earth. You are the only true and living God. You are the Almighty, the King of Creation. I love You! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a woman who has lupus. Pray for several with cancer. Pray for a man with bad back pain.

Journal Entry #14132

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