Matthew 21:34

Matthew 21:34
   The was the way of such an arrangement. The owner would get a certain percentage of the crop because he was the owner. Thus, it was his own possession that he was sending for to fetch to himself. His servant, which he personally sent, had every right to what they demanded because the fruit was his. Indeed, the whole thing would have been agreed upon when the husbandmen were hired.
   This was a common thing in Jesus’ day. His hearers immediately understood the illustration. The responsibility of the husbandmen to yield the owner’s fruit would go without saying.

Bible Reading: Exodus 14:1-16:36

Scripture Memory: James 1:15 “Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You are glorious! Your grace still amazes me! Your power is beyond my understanding. Your knowledge is too high for me, I can’t fathom it all. Your love runs so deep that all I can do is jump into it, I cannot find the edges, for it is infinite. Your kindness to a poor sinner like me is all I could ever ask for. You are so wonderful! How can I ever praise You enough? How can I ever serve You enough? I wan to honor You with my life. Oh but Father, we can do so little compared to all that You have done! Christ is the joy of our souls. Knowing him is all that we need for life. I rejoice in him! All glory to the Son of God! Praise be to You, Almighty Heavenly Father! All praise be Yours! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man who just had a stroke. Pray for a man with major health issues. Pray for a girl who had a fall.

Journal Entry #14120

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