Matthew 21:9

Matthew 21:9
   The Triumphal Entry, as we call this event, has led to some confusion I think because we fail to understand what was missing. This verse shows that the crowd of persons following Jesus understood he was the Messiah. They asked him to ‘Hosanna’ or ‘Save now!’ and this desire was surely genuine. Why then did Jesus not immediately respond to his people, save them from the Roman authorities, deliver them from all of their problems, and set up his kingdom among them? First of all, please understand that this is exactly what the crowd with the palm branches was asking for. Thus, a deeper understanding of their sin, and their need for a Savior from that was not necessarily in their minds, though some of them may have understood that. as a result, the crowd that was proclaiming him as the Messiah had not completely understood all of his teaching up to that point.
   Secondly, the crowd was isolated. In other words, most people in Jerusalem at the time did not share their sentiment. to be sure, the leaders of the nation, by and large, were totally against all that Jesus stood for. The idea of him being the Messiah was not, in their minds, even worth consideration.
   Finally, Jesus knew, as we know from Jewish history, that the Jews, just like all other people groups in this old world, are rebellious. No matter if some in the nation might turn to him, the whole nation would not accept him and remain faithful to him. Though that will happen one day, it is only because he has now, by his death and resurrection, made a way for us to have the law written upon our hearts. The Holy Spirit of God works within us to make us holy and just and pure. We can, Jew and Gentile alike, now fully embrace Christ as the Lord of our hearts. And he will, one day, be Lord of our earth.

Bible Reading: Revelation 15:1-18:24

Scripture Memory: James 1:7 “For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, may we never fail You, for You never fail us! There has not been one day that You have not had our best interests at heart. There has not been one second that You have failed to understand our deepest needs and cared for our wants. You are not our nursemaid, catering to our whims, but You are our Father, facilitating our growth. You love us with a love that calls us to maturity. You stretch us. You push us to be what only You may make us to be. You call us out of ourselves to let Your Spirit work through us, and flow like a mighty river. Father, may we never forget that we are to serve You, and yet You have served us. We only love You because You first loved us. You deserve our love, and we must never forget that You have done more for us than we could ever deserve. That the Eternal Son of God came to this planet to minister to our needs is an overwhelming thought! May we never forget that Jesus is Lord of all. He has the rights to our heart. He has the keys to the front door of our soul. He owns us. If we forget how small we are, we will never be so big as Christ may make us. Oh Father, You are glorious! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man as he witnesses to his coworkers. Pray for a woman with shoulder pain. Pray for a woman with heart trouble.

Journal Entry #14095

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