Matthew 21:7

Matthew 21:7
   This verse has not been confusing to most. However, to careful scholars, the Greek employed here has led to some question as to what it means to say that the people set Jesus on both the colt and the donkey. Some say that he set himself upon the animals. Others say he was set by the crowd upon both. Still others say that he sat, or was set, upon the clothes on one of the animals, namely the colt. Such are the many interpretations that may arise when there is confusion in our understanding of the original language.
   The best way to handle this issue is to use the resources that God has given us in his Word. Both Mark (11:4-8) and Luke (19:32-35) tell us clearly that Jesus rode the colt. So, when Matthew seems to tell us that Jesus rode, or was at least set upon, both animals, we can rely on Scripture to solve the issue. Obviously, Jesus rode the colt, and if to any extent he rode upon both, he may have been set upon one and moved himself to the other right away, or he rode the colt and leaned upon the donkey some.
   Try never to get bogged down with seeming difficulties in the Bible. Any place where such issues come up we can look to other places in the Bible to explain the problem.

Bible Reading: Revelation 5:1-9:21

Scripture Memory: James 1:6 “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your speaking to our hearts. You talk to us as we look into Your Word. You minister to our souls. Oh Father, may we always hear You! To be without You is to be without life. We must be taking in Your knowledge and wisdom. We must have Your love and grace. You are the Majesty of All! You are the Great and Mighty Creator! Oh Lord! You may alone demand our all. You can have it for You know what to do with it. We can give You all that we can be and You can make it more than we ever thought it would be. Our lives are worth so much, and it is because of You! You made us, and You can make us so much more. You are the one who is worthy to own our souls. You know our value, because it is the value You gave us. Without You, we are valueless. Through You we are priceless to You. You are worthy of all the praise, for You have done all of this for Your glory. Thank You for Christ! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man with a serious medical condition. Pray for a woman being tested for heart issues. Pray for a man who is traveling.

Journal Entry #14093

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