Matthew 21:6

Matthew 21:6
   It has occurred to me on a few occasions that the disciples learned a couple of important lessons during Christ’s ministry without him saying a word. First of all, they learned much about the power of Christ through his miracles. Imagine, as on this day, going to find the animals that Jesus already knew were there. Acting upon his foreknowledge, they found what he had just said they would find. Added to this, they witnessed countless miracles performed by him, and themselves by his power, all throughout his ministry. Jesus did not have to tell them he was powerful. But yet, keep in mind, they still failed to understand him fully, in spite of all these miracles.
   The other lesson they learned without much said by Christ, though he did teach some about both of these subjects, was obedience to the Lord. As in this verse, they were often given tasks to perform. They were told what they should do. They had to yield themselves as servants to him. Ah, and what a delightful Master he is! It is a great joy to serve him. Therefore, throughout his ministry here, they learned to obey his voice and do his will.
   It seems to me that, of these two (though both are important), the lesson on obedience was the more effective. They obeyed Christ unquestioningly while he was with them. Though their obedience to him was severely challenged, and failed much during his trial and death, they stayed true to a certain degree because of their obedience. It was not the miracles that caused them to be at least faithful enough to begin understanding the truth of the resurrection. It was instead their obedience to be where he had told them to be. He said to the women at the tomb that he went before them to Galilee (Matthew 28:10). It was their learned obedience that brought them there. So, in the end, witnessing miracles did not have the depth of influence upon their souls as did serving Christ at his command and experiencing the results. The miracle of a changed life through devotion to Christ outweighed the miracles of the blind being able to see, or the lame being able to walk.

Bible Reading: Revelation 1:1-4:11

Scripture Memory: James 1:6 “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for the lesson on obedience to Christ! A spirit submitted to Christ is a spirit energized by the Holy Spirit of Almighty God. We can be something wonderful, something that You would call ‘good’ with Your Holy Spirit pouring His fruit into our lives. I can be good! Through Christ, in obedience to Him, I can live as You would have me to live. Thank You for life in Christ! May we always submit our will to His, that we may be supernaturally empowered for our life. May we be enabled to live holy and just and pure through service to our gentle Master. He is the best person to serve. His servants are happy to be His. They are overfull with joy at being part of His glorious kingdom. May the kingdom of Christ grow today! Give us souls dear Lord, help us to bring them to Christ that they might be freed from the slavery of the old devil. May many be rescued today from the kingdom of darkness and translated into the kingdom of Your dear Son! May the Light shine! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man with back pain. Pray for an elderly woman with many health issues. Pray for a man with a large growth around his heart.

Journal Entry #14092

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