
Luke 7:48 “Then He said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”

   All of Scripture is inspired. It is all given for our edification. But, sometimes we find ourselves in need of stopping. We need to take a ‘selah’ pause to reflect. We know all is helpful and we rush on and on. And that’s ok, to be familiar with all of Scripture. But, we need also to just stop and think and meditate and pray. We can’t just rush on, we have to breathe in the significance of things. And, at times we find the perfect spot to do that.
   Here in Luke 7:48 we find just such a spot. Jesus looks at the woman and says what every one of us needs so badly to hear, your sins are forgiven. Jesus made it a point time and time again while He was here with us to tell people their sins were forgiven. Yes He did this because He wanted people to know He had that power, that authority. But, beyond this He knows that it is our deepest need. Without forgiveness through Him, nothing else matters.
   Meditate upon this verse. Don’t let it escape you. Mull it over, as the country preacher would say. Let it sink into your soul and find a place to rest and stay. Jesus forgives. That is the most powerful thing you will ever encounter. That is the essence of freedom. We can escape the destruction that sin has brought into this world. What shall be our response? We know we can never pay Him back. We know we can never deserve it. Do we then give up and not try? No! Try and try and try! We can spend our entire lives responding, thanking Him, loving Him, praising His Name. This is what it is all about, we love Him because He first loved us.

   Heavenly Father, thank You for forgiveness in Christ! There is nothing so amazing as Your plan of redemption. You are wise beyond all that I can ever understand. Never can I ever reach to the bottom of ‘your sins are forgiven’, or know the utmost of what I might do to respond. But I know You have given me by Christ the ability to praise You for all of eternity future. And I will, I will. Thank You, all praise to You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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