Matthew 19:28

Matthew 19:28
   Some have tried to avoid interpreting this passage literally; but, I do not believe that you can do that. The term regeneration, which Jesus uses, is really the key to understanding the passage. It could refer to the future generation of all the earth and heaven, you know the new heaven and new earth, this future promise. Or, it could simply just refer to the regeneration caused by salvation. In which case it would simply refer to the then coming church age.
   It’s best to say this word is referring to both in a sense. Regeneration is salvation, but it does also very clearly refer to the future regeneration of the earth itself. However, no one who has not been regenerated spiritually will take a part in the regeneration of the earth. Those who remain unregenerate at that time, will not be involved in heavenly kingdom. They will most definitely not be on thrones or anything of the kind.
   So, because of the fact that Jesus is talking about the disciples as individuals, he is speaking of positions that they will hold in heaven, now and later. These positions will come to their fullest fruition during his millennial reign and after.

Bible Reading: John 21:1-Acts 2:47

Scripture Memory: 1 John 5:15 “And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me so much! Your kindness, your grace, and you mercy, are absolutely overwhelming! How can we ever praise you enough? Your faithfulness, your deep love, your justice, all of these things are a great comfort and blessing to my heart. I cannot wait until one day in heaven when we see the complete fullness of your glory! It will be so wonderful to see our Savior the Lord Jesus face to face. We will look into his eyes and see all the fullness of God. How wonderful! You Father, are the joy of my life! May we live to love and serve you each and every day, each and every minute. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man recovering from extensive reconstructive surgery. Pray for a woman waiting for the results of an MRI. Pray for three women who have recently become widows.

Journal Entry #14050

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