
Luke 7:46 “”You did not anoint My head with oil, but this woman has anointed My feet with fragrant oil.”

   The the anointing of Jesus’ head was not necessarily a societal expectation. And He was not complaining. Jesus is here simply highlighting the difference in the response of the woman to Him, and that of Simon the Pharisee. As a Pharisee, Simon would immediately understand what Jesus was getting across here. He knew more of the Scriptures than the woman would have. And yet, his knowledge served to condemn his unbelief.
   I have met and heard of many people who feel themselves slighted because Jesus only was here on earth for a short time. They feel that if they could have met Him in person their outlook would be altogether different. I suggest that such persons are not too different from Simon. Instead of accepting the testimony of the prophets, the miracles, and even what he might have discovered by plain conversation with Jesus, Simon had a preconceived notion of the nature of this Man that others called Christ. In the same way, those who think themselves cheated by not seeing Him in the flesh are also unwilling to accept what they have been told about Him, and in its place harbor their own idea of Who and What they believe He is. They would be, I think, very probable to find His nature not to their liking.

   Heavenly Father, may I never forget that I see the face of Christ every day. Or at least, that I have the opportunity if I will but take it. I can see His hands and feet at work, and hear His words. Oh You have blessed us in Him! How can I ever grasp the amazing depths of the mysteries of Christ? He is my joy, He is the delight of my innermost soul. How can we know Him more? And yet that is all we will ever do, know Him more and more! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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