
Luke 7:45 “You gave Me no kiss, but this woman has not ceased to kiss My feet since the time I came in.”

   So again we must compare this to the customs and societal norms throughout history. This woman’s kisses are here described with a word that is derived from the other word in the verse used to describe kisses given by men to other men. And, in other contexts that exact word is used in the same way. Further, Jesus is pointing out that Simon didn’t give Him a kiss. Although there are those who want to see sexual overtones everywhere, that simply is not being faithful to the text. This type of kissing was affectionate, yes, but romantic or erotic, no. The woman was kissing Jesus as if he were a familiar friend. And, given the context, she and Jesus both considered her actions to be worship.
   Again, Simon was not necessarily questioning the propriety of her actions. His focus was on what he perceived as Jesus’ lack of knowledge. He was operating, as the majority of humanity has throughout history, under the impression that there are those who are to be considered untouchable for one reason or another.

   Heavenly Father, Your wisdom is too wonderful for me! I find so many things that are difficult to understand or accept. But, I remember that as we are we are broken. We need Your truth and grace and love. We need Your holiness in our lives. Thank You for revealing Yourself to us. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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