
Luke 7:44 “Then He turned to the woman and said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave Me no water for My feet, but she has washed My feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head.”

     Jesus wasn’t being whiny. Simon’s neglect in his lack of preparation for foot washing was not necessarily an intentional oversight. But, if he had been especially interested in making a good impression, or in making his love known, he would have provided at least water for Jesus’ feet.
   As it is, Simon was not that concerned with impressing the Lord, nor was his love that lavish. The woman, on the other hand, specifically came to show her love for the Lord Jesus.
   By the way, remembering the lifestyle of this woman we might wonder if there was anything inappropriate about her touching Jesus in this way. Even Simon wasn’t suggesting that. Simon didn’t think the woman was propositioning Jesus, or flirting with Him. He understood, as we must, that washing a person’s feet was not seen in that way in that time. It was an acceptable form of service, kind of like shinning someone’s shoes. It was a humble act of kindness, yes, but it was not inappropriate. Simon suggested an issue simply because of the character of the woman, not because of the action she had chosen. Had he felt anything overtly inappropriate was going on, he would have expelled the woman, and possibly Jesus.
   It is also interesting to note that Jesus specifically mentions her tears. We are not told much about this woman, or why she did what she did. But, the response of Christ seems to indicate her tears were due to sorrow unto repentance because He also forgives her. Apparently this was her way of reconciling to the Lord. It is possible that she was also making known her intention to give up her past life. The fragrant oil she was using may very well have been a valuable tool of her trade, and using it up on Jesus’ feet might symbolically be akin to the drunkard pouring the booze down the sink, though to better use.

   Heavenly Father, love is what You deserve! Yet my love is so imperfect. I feel it. I know it. I must rely on You even for that. Even for the love with which to show You my appreciation I am completely dependent upon You. As the woman who washed the feet of the Master, I cannot offer much. But, with Your help, and by the Spirit and Christ in me, I will offer You my future. Each day lived for Your glory is a small token of my genuine love for You. I love You and thank You for allowing me to be and to know You for another day. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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