Matthew 18:22

Matthew 18:22
   In other words, forgiveness does not end. Those who forgive a given number of times make themselves the judge, and the source of the forgiveness. Such forgiveness has never done anybody any good. It is a man’s forgiveness, it cannot fix the problem. Whereas, limitless forgiveness leaves the judging to Christ. I cannot fail to forgive because I cannot judge the failure to begin with. I can go only by the standard of Christ, and he needs no forgiveness. Thus, I forgive, not because the offence is small, or because I fear for myself; but because he who needs no forgiveness bids me to forgive. If I judged by a perfect standard, I would forgive none. But, he who has the right to judge by that standard has made a way of forgiveness. I dare not go against his wishes.

Bible Reading: Matthew 7:1-9:38

Scripture Memory: 1 John 5:3 “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grevious.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us again today that You tell us the Truth. You don’t hide the Truth from us, but put it in Your Word where we can get to it. All we have to do is read it, accept it, and yield to You as You change our lives. Thank You for the call to Christ. Thank You for making it so clear that he is the only way to You. Lord Jesus, thank You for Your love. Father, You have loved us so much. Hallelujah! You are worthy of all the praise and honor and glory! You are truly amazing, awesome, wonderful! Knowing You does lift our lives. May we always see how You change us into something holy and good. May we revel in the beauty that You are putting into our souls. You are so powerful and wise. You are so pure and good. Thank You, Father! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for two men with cancer. Pray for a man having trouble with his kidneys. Pray for a woman who just lost her husband. Pray for a woman’s silent request.

Journal Entry #14010

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