Matthew 17:25

Matthew 17:25
   The quick and plain answer of Peter has been assumed by some to be yet another of his thoughtless words. They say that he did not really know himself that Jesus would pay, and should not have answered for him. I think this reads too much into the text. His simple answer tells me that he did not have to think much about it. Jesus had paid the tax in the past, otherwise he surely would have said no.
   This, now, helps us to understand what Christ is saying, and what he is not saying. His little question to Peter here is designed to get the man to think about the situation, and to teach him, and us, a helpful lesson. It is not intended to cause Peter, or anyone else, from paying the tribute. What he is teaching is, first of all, that he, as the Son of God and the Great High Priest himself, was completely exempted from such a tribute. Secondly, he is teaching that those who are the children of God, as we are in Christ, are also exempted from any tax that might be levied under his government. There won’t be a taxation system in heaven, for example.
   But, as we see from the following verses, none of this precludes us from paying taxes now. Though, as children of Almighty God, we may rightfully feel exempted from such details, we should pay just like everyone else.

Bible Reading: Ezekiel 20:1-21:32

Scripture Memory: 1 John 4:18 “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word, It is so nice to have a book from You that contains such minute details. You really leave no stone unturned. We cannot say it is incomplete. Thank You for this Foundation for life and living. Faith and practice may be fully stocked with wisdom from this Divine Resource. Thank You for Your wisdom and Your love for us! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for wisdom for a woman who is considering signing a book deal. Pray for our upcoming Christmas play at church. Pray for our missionaries to have a good Christmas.

Journal Entry #13348

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