Matthew 16:22

Matthew 16:22
   This is an extremely interesting passage. It reveals much about how everyone thinks. It shows how we think, how Jesus thinks, and how the devil thinks. Peter’s words to Christ must be understood in order to get the point here. Now, the translation ‘far from thee’ that we find here is a good one. However, we need to realize that every language has unique figures of speech. These ways of saying things cannot always be easily transferred to another language.
   For example, in Greek you can have a double negative. This is usually translated ‘God forbid’, but those two words are not actually there. Instead, the Greek is literally ‘no no’ in these instances.
   Here we have a figure of speech involving the word for mercy. Literally, Peter is saying, ‘Mercy to you, Lord, this will not happen to you’. So, we can see that this is difficult to express in English. In order to really grasp what is being said, you have to have it explained a bit more. Peter is saying that he wishes God’s mercy upon Jesus. He literally is rebuking Jesus, saying that a good God would never, in his great mercy, allow such horrible things to happen to such a good person as Jesus.
   This is a very human, and sinful, way of thinking. We presume to judge the situation for God. We determine an action as improper and declare that God would never do it. We make his choices for him. And, we have all been guilty of this kind of thing at one time or another. Peter was jumping to a natural, human, conclusion. But, Peter was wrong.

Bible Reading: Isaiah 24:1-28:29

Scripture Memory: 1 John 4:10 “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You always help us so much. You do some many little things to bless us every day. If we just sat down and started counting Your blessings, it would take all day to do it, and we still wouldn’t be done! Thank You! I praise You for Your wonderful Son that You have given us. He is the blessing that is so wonderful words just cannot describe it. Thank You for him! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man starting a new job soon.

Journal Entry #13316

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