Matthew 16:19

Matthew 16:19
   This verse, again, is taken to mean that Peter was himself selected for something that he alone might exercise. That he alone might bind an loose. Instead, Jesus was saying of Peter what is true of all of the church. The gates of hell cannot prevail against the church because it belongs to Christ. He protects it. In the same way, it’s ministers, of which Peter was the prototype, hold the keys of salvation. The ministers of the gospel know who belongs to Christ because of their response to the Truth. And, they know who is not his because of their response as well.
   This was a very Jewish way of speaking. The Jews would say that the leaders, the scribes and Pharisees, Sadducees, etc. had this kind of authority. But, they did not. The true ministers of God were standing there with Jesus, and he was explaining their role. He was helping them to understand that the church would be the vehicle of salvation for the world.
   Those who would say they love Christ but hate the church are treading a dangerous line. In fact, many in this day want to break off the bands of the organized church and sort-of tailor-make their own Christianity. Though breaking from unbiblical traditions is a wise move, we would do well not to throw caution to the wind. The church is God’s chosen vessel for the salvation of the lost. He does not intend for us to all go at it alone. He wants us to meet together as we do as a church and worship him, and preach the Word.
   Indeed, we have many in this day who would confess Christ, but refuse to join a local church. Though membership in a local body of believers can never save anyone, saved persons should be members of their local Bible-believing church. Otherwise, we might as well rip the entire book of Acts right out of our Bibles. The Jews wanted to know that they were approved. They wanted to know that what was done on earth was done in heaven. We should have no less of a desire, and a much surer confidence of it.

Bible Reading: Isaiah 11:1-13:22

Scripture Memory: 1 John 4:9 “In this was manifested the love of God towards us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for this wonderful weekend! You are so glorious! You love is so perfect and complete. You are not lacking in anything. Your mercy knows no limit. You cannot be overestimated. You are all we could dream that You are, and so much more. Thank You for You! You are the blessing that makes our lives so much fun to live. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man with kidney failure. Pray for a man’s unspoken request. Pray for several young people at a crucial time in their lives.

Journal Entry #13313

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