Matthew 16:9

Matthew 16:9
    Notice here the first thing Jesus asks the disciples. He does not ask them first if they remembered the miraculous feedings. That is the obvious question to ask, and he does ask it. But, first, he asks if they understood the miracles. This is a crucial question. And, it reveals much about Christ’s intentions. His bottom line is for people to understand. That is his main thing. He wants his disciples to get it. He wants them to comprehend what all of these things mean.
   It was amazing that they had apparently forgotten these miracles. But, far more important than that, they had evidently failed to understand their meaning. They had failed to see that, as the Messiah, Jesus is not just a great prophet, he is THE great prophet. He is not just one of the best of men, he is the PERFECT man. He is not just the servant of God, he is GOD. So many who know about him fail to understand who he is.

Bible Reading: Proverbs 22:1-24:34

Scripture Memory: 1 John 4:6 “We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us, he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.”

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus! We will never stop thanking You for him. He is the blessing we all need. He is the answer to every problem. Thank You for making him available to us. You are so wise and good. You have done the best. You always do what is best. Your way is the best way for us. May we submit to Your will. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man who is in very poor health. Pray for a man having trouble with a coworker. Pray for a man who is struggling with cancer.

Journal Entry #13303

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