Matthew 14:36

Matthew 14:36
   What we can easily miss here is why the touching of Jesus’ garment was employed in these miracles. The woman with the issue of blood lived in this same area, and these people had likely heard her story. Thus, it was not the individuals who needed healing that sought to be healed in this way; but, instead, it was the men of the place that had invited the sick that asked Jesus to allow their sick neighbors and friends to be healed in this manner. This shows not only their faith, but also their concern for others, including Christ himself. Indeed, it was easier for Christ to have the multitudes come by to touch him than for him to have to go to each one of them and touch them.
   Thus, we have here the story of rapid healing for a vast multitude. This is true miracle working power. The sicknesses and other maladies that were healed were not even named. The point was not great fanfare or the proclamation and recording of every miracle. The point was that people were helped, lots of people. Maybe today we make too much out of our sickness, and too little out of the Healer. Maybe we need to keep the focus a bit more on him, and a bit less on the magnitude of our needs.

Bible Reading: Esther 9:1-Job 3:26

Scripture Memory: 1 John 3:18 “My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for the Life that You have given us. Christ calls us to a great task that only You can, by Him, enable us to do. We cannot ever hope to accomplish this great goal on our own, but You are here to help us. I am so glad to be a part of Your plan. I can see that You know what is best for our future. You know where and how to lead us. You know what we need for the journey and You know the pitfalls. You can guide to the places of rest and show us the safe paths. Oh Father, You are so gracious and loving! Lead us, for we know Your way is perfect. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a woman who had a test today. Pray for a woman with several medical problems. Pray for a man who is recovering from a liver transplant.

Journal Entry #13255

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