Matthew 14:25

Matthew 14:25
   This particular miracle of Christ has always stuck out to our modern minds. Indeed, many even today use the idiom ‘he can walk on water’ to refer to someone that can do something remarkably well. This miracle impresses us greatly. Yet, it was quite unexpected, and not a common practice of Christ. We might have the idea that one who had the option to walk on the water would do so whenever he had the opportunity, but this was not at all the case.
   Indeed, the disciples did not expect this at all, which shows us that Jesus had not done such a thing before. We also have no record that he ever did it again. Thus, just as the disciples, we must not miss the lesson of the miracle for the grandeur of it. Jesus trusted the Father completely. He walked out to the disciples on the water to show them that he was in control of the situation, no matter what storm might come along. Thus, since Almighty God is in control, storms should cause no more fear than a calm sea might.

Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 6:1-8:18

Scripture Memory: 1 John 3:16 “Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your presence in our troubled seas. We are so thankful for Your role in our lives. The Lord Jesus makes us feel so reassured. The Spirit comforts our hearts in the middle of the worst conflicts. You always know how to help us get along better than we ever though possible. You are amazing and loving. How can we ever praise You enough? You are worthy of every breath. You are glorified above all. You are wonderful! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a team of missionaries who just returned from France. Pray for a young family who just found out they are pregnant. Pray for a man having several procedures done to help his body accept a new liver.

Journal Entry #13236

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