Matthew 14:23

Matthew 14:23
   Prayer was very important in Jesus’ life here on earth. He takes the opportunity to pray after this amazing miracle. It seems that Jesus may have done this for several reasons. One of these may have been that he wanted to focus upon the task at hand, the goal of his coming. He surely wanted to talk to the Father about the events of the day and the future of his disciples.
   He spent a lot of time in prayer that night. Even if he did not get started praying until 11 pm, and likely he started long before that, he would have prayed at least four hours straight. Matthew tells us he finished around the fourth watch, so at least 3 am. Assuming he started much earlier and finished later, he may have spent as much as eight or nine hours in prayer.

Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 27:1-29:30

Scripture Memory: 1 John 3:15 “Whosoever hateth his brother is a muderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we are so impressed with ourselves sometimes. We think we are so close to You, and know You so well. Help us to learn from Christ. He knows You, and we should follow his example. You are so wonderful, and so You are worth spending time with. If we know You, we may very well ned to talk to You about things at length. Father, the great thing about You is that You listen to us when we come to You with he right attitude. Our words mean something to You. You care for us. Oh, thank You for being the way You are! You are extremely holy, but You are also so merciful! Thank You for Jesus Christ. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a woman who has swollen legs. Pray for a man who is in a secular psychiatric facility. Pray for a man with kidney stones.

Journal Entry #13234

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