Matthew 14:16

Matthew 14:16
   This is one of those beautiful teachable moments we find in the life of Jesus. He finds a circumstance in which to teach the disciples a great lesson. He challenges their doubt. He questions their perception of reality. He calls their thinking into a new direction entirely. He brings them to consider the eternal, rather than the temporal. He tells them to simply trust the problem to the One who can solve the problems.
   We often find that Almighty God leads in this way. Rather than plainly stating, “I’m going to make the food multiply,” Jesus asks them to do the impossible, and expects them to listen to him. Jesus knew he would be giving his disciples an even more difficult task later on, and they would need this great measure of faith to handle it. Just as Jesus here tells them to give food that they do not have, he later commissions them to spread the gospel to a world of people they have never met.
   Indeed, have you ever stopped to think about how amazingly impossible the gospel task is. We are to go to a world of people that we don’t know, tell them about a person we have never actually seen, and convince them that this invisible person can meet needs in their hearts that we don’t even understand. Yup, that’s impossible! But, that is no less impossible that feeding thousands of people with one basket of food. Jesus just looks at us and says, “Go ahead and do it.” He allows us to begin before he fills in the blanks. Amazing! Wonderful! Wise!

Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 7:1-8:40

Scripture Memory: 1 John 3:13  “Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You always know exactly what we need. You supply the Truth when we need it the most. You give us the answers right on time. Often we wonder about the way You do things, but it always makes sense in hindsight. We don’t see things the way You do, but we can always trust You. You are worth serving. Just the daily surprises that You bring our way are so nice. Thank You! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man who’s kidneys are failing.

Journal Entry #13227

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