
Luke 7:28 “For I say to you, among those born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.”

   Only Jesus would know how to say something so flattering about someone else and yet bring great glory to Himself at the same time. He here mentions those ‘born of women’, and it is easy for us to pass over that and miss the significance. This is not a generic reference to humankind. Adam had no mother or father, but though the first man, he still counts as a general member of humanity. However, there is another human who was born of a woman, but not of a man. That is, of course, Jesus Himself. So Jesus is here referring to humanity in a unique way in that He is at the same time highlighting that which we share with Him, and that which we do not. We share with Him a human mother, we do not share a human father.
   Jesus goes on to say that there is not a greater prophet that John, but that one who is least in the kingdom is greater than he. Though this has been taken variously, I believe it is a reference to Christ Himself. I say this first for the reason mentioned above, due to how He frames this whole sentence. But then secondly, Jesus later tells His disciples that whichever of them would be great, should seek to be the least, and that He had come to minister to all. So it would not be incongruous for Him to speak of Himself as the ‘least’ while at the same time confirming He is the greatest.
   Also, John had made statements about Jesus increasing and himself decreasing, and Christ knew that. In addition, Jesus did not enter upon this discourse for the purpose of bragging on John. Instead, though He does John great honor, he is pointing out Who John came to lead humanity to, Himself.

   Heavenly Father, make me always full of wonder a the Person of Christ! Jesus is Brilliant beyond all imagining. He is Your Glorious One. I will forever praise You Father in Your Son! You have made everything perfect in Him. I cannot but put my hand on my mouth in awe at His wonderful wisdom and truth. I love You Father! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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