Matthew 13:58

Matthew 13:58
   This is one of many verses that has been commonly misunderstood. Many have, looking at this verse, come to the conclusion that Jesus’ ability to perform miracles rested solely upon the faith of the people he ministered to. These persons have the notion that we somehow cause Almighty God to act by the force of our faith. They think God unable to move without the impetus of our voluntary, trusting, wills. This is simply not the case at all.
   Jesus’ ability to perform miracles was in no way dependent upon the faith of humans. The ability of Almighty God to cause the sun to shine, and the rain to fall, and the earth to endure, is not based on our belief in him. Unlike Santa Clause or the Tooth Fairy, God’s existence is not perpetuated by our belief. He exists and acts, and is able to act, without our help. We could cease to exist tomorrow and Almighty God would not change in the least bit. He is totally self-sufficient.
   However, and that is a big however, Jesus’ desire to perform miracles was, and is, very much based upon the faith of humanity. Almighty God does not cast his pearls before swine. Though he may choose to give many great things to unbelieving people, and does so every day, he is not at all required to. Just the same, Jesus, the Father, and the Spirit, the Triune God, does choose to limit what will be done for those who fail to believe. God will not perform his greatest works for those who do not accept his person. He is a jealous God. They who ascribe more glory to man and animals, and even rocks and trees, more that to him, will lack in the miracle department.
   The people of Nazareth did not receive many miracles because Jesus would not reward unbelief. He was interested in those who accepted him for Who he is, not simply those looking for miracle handouts. They did not trust him. They did not accept his honesty. They would not follow his lead. They could not receive his blessings with the right heart.

Bible Reading: 1 Kings 12:1-14:31

Scripture Memory: 1 John 3:9 “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for not discriminating on the basis of outward things. You always consider our hearts, and You know them intimately. Great Searcher of Hearts, search us and see that we love You, and that we want the blessings of Your hands. You are so gracious and loving to us. We will continue to ask for Your provisions. This is not because we think that it all You are good for, but that You are the only One who is good enough for it. You can be asked because You have the capacity to give what is needed. You always have the answer to the most vital need. You are the One who sees what the real needs are. You know what we truly need, not just what we think we need. Thank You for Your power and love, and how You bless our lives by just being a part of them. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a family that just lost a love one. Pray for a man on blood thinner. Pray for a woman going for cancer tests.

Journal Entry #13212

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