Matthew 13:36-37

Matthew 13:36
   The way that the disciples asked Jesus about this parable reveals much about their understanding of it. Though they did not yet understand exactly what everything in the parable represented, they already knew that the tares were very important. They realized that the destruction of the tares was the whole point of the parable.They understood that the tares would be judged.
   It is likely that they understood at least this much because of their closeness to Jesus. However, Jesus’ other hearers would probably also understand that the tares represented something important. In the case of the multitude, though, they would have far less of a definite idea about the identity of the tares and the specifics of the final judgement. So, they would know that the tares story was important, but they would not really know why.
   This is true for many who hear the gospel today. They know it seems important to those who proclaim it, but they fail to understand why. As a result, to their own detriment, they do not even try to find out more.
Matthew 13:37
   The sower of the good seed is the Lord Jesus himself. He is the farmer who brings the Truth into the world. He sows people. He plants them. He creates good things. He makes us what we are. He is the One who brings us to the Father and makes us the children of the Almighty. His earthly ministry is the starting point for this great harvest.
   Jesus refers to himself as the “Son of Man,” which was his favorite designation of himself. It seems that he liked it so much because of the fact that it would not only highlight his deity as the Messiah, but it would also point out his humanity.

Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 13:1-14:52

Scripture Memory: 1 John 3:4 “Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Truth. It is so wonderful to be able to get up in the morning and have the very Word of Almighty God right here in my hand. I can look and see Your thoughts and Your desires for me. I can experience Your Truth through Your Spirit as I study in Your Word. Oh Father, I long to know You better, and have Your Truth fill my heart each moment! I need Your abundance in my soul. There is not enough time in the day to get all that I want from Your Word. I have so many questions, and You have so many answers. I would like to plunder Your storehouse of secrets and find all of the most precious treasures to fill my life. I must have more of You! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a woman dying of cancer. Pray for a young lady who is making a lot of important choices right now. Pray for a man who wants to be a better witness at his workplace.

Journal Entry #13192

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