Matthew 13:13

Matthew 13:13
   This is a sad commentary, but it is so true of so many people. It is amazing to think that people would neglect the Truth of Almighty God only to accept the the teaching of man as gospel. People in our modern era disdain belief in God, and yet cling to theories of our existence that are based on the wildest of chances. Science, so called, calls us to consider time travel, or theoretical physics. The certainties of the created world have been exchanged for the all-powerful ‘facts’ that we think we observe. Man has truly become the measure of all things.
   And thus, many walk about with their eyes wide open, seeing nothing. Some of the most ‘advanced’ sections of our society are so riddled by suicide and deviant behavior it is not even funny. Young people are indoctrinated at an early age with the idea that belief in Almighty God is the same as believing a fairy-tale. Where has it brought our society? We are full of individuals who see and hear, but neither listen nor perceive.

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 25:1-27:26

Scripture Memory: 1 John 2:29 “If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, You are worth knowing. You are far from a fairy-tale. You give our existence a meaning that this empty world can never understand. You bring us out of ourselves and into an eternity of light and Truth. Your Word is not a book of bedtime stories, but a record of life on planet earth, and an instruction manual for daily living. So many consider the possibility of the existence of extra-terrestrials and miss the Extra-Terrestrial Creator of the universe. They listen for signs of life from the spacial silence, and miss the shout of joy from the direct communication of Your Holy Word. Can I afford to miss Your Truth? You have made my life more than a catalog of loosely related events. My existence means something in the overall scheme of things. I am a part of eternity thanks to Your Precious Son. Instead of missing life, I am living it more and more fully every day. You are so gracious, loving, holy and kind! You give us a future worth living for, a past that is not scary, and a present that is always fresh and exiting. Father, You understand and meet the vital needs of our hearts. Thank You! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man having back pain. Pray for a woman on a long trip. Pray for a woman who just lost her job. Pray for a woman having trouble walking. Pray for a little girl having surgery today.

Journal Entry #13170

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