
Luke 7:21 “And that very hour He cured many of infirmities, afflictions, and evil spirits; and to many blind He gave sight.”

   The miracle ministry of Jesus was unmatched by any previous prophet of God. His works were many and very unique in their extent and power. But, more than that, as we see here, they were a fulfillment of prophecy. It had already been predicted by the prophets that the Christ would work many miracles.
   It is important for us to understand the role of miracles in connection with belief. Many of us today have the idea that seeing Christ perform countless miracles would automatically make us and everyone we know believe in Him. However, we discover a different dynamic upon reading the gospels. Miracles did not guarantee belief. They garnered popularity, and created an attachment between many people and Christ. But, they could not bring folks to the right conclusion about the identity of Christ all by themselves. Yes there were exceptions to this. But in the case of such exceptions the persons involved were already prepared for belief by other means.
   Thus, it is important to understand that the miracles of Christ served primarily as a fulfillment of prophecy. They stood as testimony to the veracity of Christ’s claims. But Jesus didn’t expect people to believe only on the basis of miracles. He offered the miracles as a bolster to His teaching. And it was His teaching concerning Himself that He put forth primarily as the thing to believe.

   Heavenly Father, thank You for each day that You give to us. May we never forget that we belong to You. Your world stands in darkness in so many ways, and yet the light of the gospel of Christ has made it altogether a different place than it would otherwise be. Give us great understanding, Lord, that we may know Your wisdom in what You have done in this world. We praise You for Your great faithfulness, and Your perfection. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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