Matthew 12:20

Matthew 12:20
   This last weekend I heard an excellent explanation of this verse by a good pastor friend of mine, Matt Hinkle. The bruised reed, he says, is like those who have been hurt by a sudden blow. Their lives have been damaged by some surprise calamity that has left them scarred and wounded. Jesus will not then come upon such persons and consider them useless simply because their lives have been damaged.
   The smoking flax represents those who, though they have no great calamity to point out, have been worn down by the cares of this life and its trials and troubles. Many of us can identify with this. We may not have had some sudden catastrophe in our life, but the daily grind of human experience has almost put out our light completely. We are barely there, weak, and almost to break altogether. Jesus uses messes like us. He can make us strong once again, rather than putting out our light entirely.
   Pastor Matt Hinkle also has a daily devotion at, check it out sometime!

Bible Reading: Exodus 17:1-20:26

Scripture Memory: 1 John 2:19 “They went out from us, but they were not all of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Your wisdom is so valuable! Help me to know the importance of Your wisdom in my life. I must depend upon You. I need You so much. You have put within me the talents that I need to serve You, and yet I do not use them as I should. Help us, Lord, to see and understand Your role in our lives. Help us to reach out and grasp the great work that You are doing each and every day all over this world. May we never lose sight of Your great glory! You are so powerful and holy! You make life exciting in that each day teaches us more about Your huge store of characteristics. Each time we face a trail we understand Your personality just a bit better. You are so amazing! Thank You for Jesus, Father! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a young girl having her heart checked this week. Pray for a baby girl with health issues.

Journal Entry #13127

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