Matthew 12:19

Matthew 12:19
   This verse can easily be misunderstood. Jesus did indeed speak in the streets. He did indeed cry out to be heard in the places where he chose to speak of the gospel concerning himself. So, if this be the case, why is it said here that he did not do these things?
   The verse is getting across the manner of Christ. Just as they way we are to share the gospel today, Jesus spoke to persuade men of the Truth, but not to force them to it. He did not strive, meaning that he did not engage in forced debate. He answered the questions of the Jewish leaders, and asked questions of his own. But, he did not attack them directly. He did not make allegations in the courts. He proclaimed the fact of their sin, but not so as to impeach them from their positions. He never cried out for a riot or incited violence. He did not advocate the forceful removal of the Romans, or the renovation of the religious system by forceful means. Though he cleaned out the temple, he did not occupy it and seek to reform it to his will. He did not create a following of persons that would throw off all connection with the Jewish authorities, and free themselves from the cruel hand of the Romans.
   Though these militant means may be well and good for the formation of political and societal necessities such as those that helped form this great nation of the US, they are not the means to be used for the spread of the gospel. This is why true Christians are not terrorists for their religious cause. Faithful Muslims, and many other religious groups of the world, will see these tactics as part and parcel of their religious life and practice. But, they have no place in the gospel. The gospel is to be preached peacefully, just as Jesus himself preached it. This does not limit our zealousness or boldness for the Truth, but it is the attitude with which we are to proceed. We do not have to fight a war for this world, for the war is already won. We are, instead, strangers and pilgrims with our citizenship in heaven seeking to gently persuade men of the Truth about eternity.

Bible Reading: Exodus 14:1-16:36

Scripture Memory: 1 John 2:19 “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, may we always find our mouths filled with Your praises. There is a God, Great and Good that inhabits eternity. You are the only true and living God, the Almighty. It is a wonderful fulfillment of our personality to be able to contemplate the Divine One. You are so Wonderful! Your Truth is a great mercy to our hearts. Knowing You is so nice. We can think of Your grace, mercy, and love. We can take comfort in Your justice. We can rest safely in Your peace. We can live confidently in the knowledge of Your infinitude. Thank You for You! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man with back pain. Pray for a man who may have cancer. Pray for a woman’s unspoken request.

Journal Entry #13126

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