Into the Streets

Luke 10:10 “But whatever city you enter, and they do not receive you, go out into its streets and say,”

   In this verse Jesus is giving those He was sending instruction as to what to do if they were rejected by  a town. Notice He tells them to go out into the streets. The ministers of Christ are to find a means of general communication, even if other opportunities are denied them.

   In some cases today this may be by the circulation of fliers, street preaching where possible, or the renting of public venues for the purpose. In any case, the means is to be as generally and easily accessible as possible for those who need to hear the message.

   Also, one must keep in mind that the disciples were going out among people who were at least familiar with the teachings of Scripture at this point. This was not a foray into the unknown where dwelt men and women who had never once heard a page of the Old Testament quoted. For such missions, the time needed to establish rejection would be longer and thus the use of a public venue might take longer as a new tribe or people would not likely accept the unknown as easily. However, the same basic concept still applies, even in this case.

Heavenly Father, we must never forget how much of a mercy it is that Your truth has spread to our corner of the globe! Without the story of the life of Christ, we are like people running around in an emergency trying to determine what has happened, and where to go for safety. We would never know how to live, why to live, or even who we are, without Jesus. Thank you for Your Son! Thank You for Life! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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