
Luke 7:15 “So he who was dead sat up and began to speak. And He presented him to his mother.”

   This miracle was somewhat unique in a few ways. First, it was unsolicited. There is no record of anyone asking Him to do this. Second, the miracle is very clearly for the benefit of the mother. Third, it was very public, there was a very large crowd present for the event. Fourth, it was very provable. In other words, it would be hard to deny the veracity of the story. The man was very clearly dead, and he very clearly was brought back to life.
   It is thus quite revealing that Jesus chose this miracle to be one of His most public acts. This miracle stands with the raising of Lazarus or the feeding of the multitudes as a very immediately publicized item. And why this miracle? Why not? Isn’t this so very consistent with the message of Christ? He came to meet a great need. That theme is seen over and over. He preached to the poor, ministered to the common people, and did a miracle for a widow. Isn’t that what we would expect a Savior of the world to do?
   So we see through this miracle that Jesus was not just some prophet, miracle-worker, or supernatural human. He was much more. He had a very specific message for a very specific purpose. He had every intention for people to make the connection and see that He was the Messiah, and that as such He was the Second Person of the Trinity. He was not simply a messenger from God, He was The Messenger of God. He was one in the same as every Old Testament appearance of Yahweh. He was and is the only link from human kind to the Eternal Godhead.

   Heavenly Father, we thank You for Christ! Without Him we would have no picture of You. Without Him we would be totally blind and unable to see You in any way. Thank You for grace and truth by Jesus Christ! I will praise You forever for the wondrous nature of Your plan. I love it! It is and was and shall always be the best that ever could have been. No better way to handle this world could have been devised. It is Your masterpiece. To You be all the glory in it! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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