Matthew 10:40

40: Though it has been very much forgotten, Jesus pays a lot of attention to how his ministers are treated. We often forget this because we see salvation as more of a duty of God than a mercy. We feel that if we respond to the gospel well enough, salvation is guaranteed. Some have been found to think themselves saved in spite of a horrid attitude towards ministers of the gospel. Though only Christ knows for sure who is saved and who is not, he is giving us a good rule of thumb to go by in this verse.
   In other words, Jesus’ commission of his disciples to go to all the world and make disciples of everyone is not simply an attendant circumstance to salvation. It is a crucial part of the process. Jesus alone does indeed know for certain who is truly saved. And, many who claim to be may be false professors simply because of their attitude towards the ministers of the gospel. This is not to say that anyone who mistrusts a preacher is lost and on their way to hell. What is being said is that those who are generally suspicious of all, or most, ministers of the gospel have no good evidence for their own salvation.
   Jesus here is saying that accepting the messenger is just as important as accepting the message. To accept the message Jesus brought to this world from the Father, people have to accept Jesus himself. Accepting him is the same as accepting the Father. The same is true for us. To accept the message of the gospel of Christ, we must also accept his ministers. Accepting his ministers is the same as accepting him. One who claims to accept the gospel, yet denies that Jesus has called us to be witnesses for him, has a faith which is highly suspect.

Daily Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 8:1-11:33

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 2:9 “He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now.”

Daily Tidbit: The King Salmon, or Chinook Salmon, is a great example of God’s amazing creation. These fish will return to the location where they were originally born. To accomplish this, they swim against the current and jump up waterfalls. It is quite extraordinary.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, It is good to know that You know everything. In spite of all the confusions we may face, You have all the answers. It is amazing that You allow us to be a part of salvation. You have given us the task of proclaiming Your Truth to the world. What an honor to be involved in that! You know what we need in our lives. You know how important it is for us to have purpose and meaning in our life. It is so comforting to know that You understand us so well and love us so much. Father, thank You for sending Jesus to save us! We could never make it without him. Life would be hopeless without him. Thank You for loving us that much! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a man with cancer. Pray for a missionary on the field in Africa.

Personal Journal Entry #13077

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