Matthew 10:39

39: The key of this verse is found in the words ‘for my sake.’ If we are charged with any thing for the cause of identification with Christ, then we are not chargeable, he is. To sentence us is to sentence him. If, however, we are held liable for that which we did not do for his sake, we are guilty. Work for the cause of Christ with your last breath, but never be found to work for something less in that way. The cause of Christ is always to be held high. It is the cause ‘worth dying for.’  This is not a death to be died in a pitched battle, but a death died by a life given for others. We must give our lives to make the gospel available to all. Those who would save their neck, but forsake their God, are on shaky ground.

Daily Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:1-7:16

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 2:8 “Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in him and in you: because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth.”

Daily Tidbit: Throughout history, the canon of Scripture has been been questioned on occasion. The Old Testament canon was, as it stands, recognized by Christ. The New Testament canon has hundred of years of history to back it up. However, the best argument for the present canon is the doctrine of preservation. Preservation simply means that Almighty God has the power to preserve his Word. in other words, God will not allow us to get too far off track where his Word is concerned. Our interpretations of it may be, if not guided by the Spirit, quite off-base. But, the body of Truth itself will not fade. In other words, though we should do everything in our power to defend it, God’s Word will stand forever. It is like salvation. It is your choice to be saved, but God already knows what choice you will make. It is our job to stand up for God’s Word, but God’s Word will not fade. Therefore, we can dogmatically state that there are not books missing from our Bible. God will get his Word to us, and he has. In spite of misinterpretation, misreading, miss-translation, or miss-understanding, no one can say that God’s Word was not available. No one can say that the Truth has been lost forever in the graves of the past. It is here, and it is alive.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word! It is so great to have Your love letter to us in our hands. You give us priceless treasure out of it each day. Thank You for Christ. It is so worth it to live for him and in him. Giving our lives for the cause of Christ is not a burden, but a joy! It is a blessing that will not be fully known this side of glory. Father, You are worthy of all our praise and adoration. Jesus means so much to us. Having Someone eternal to depend upon is a great comfort for our lives. You give us a reason to sing, and a cause to live, and die, for. May we never be found guilty of living for a lesser cause. We will live for Christ in love and wisdom. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a man having trouble with his heart. Pray for a woman having trouble with her stomach.

Personal Journal Entry #13076

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