Matthew 10:38

38: Jesus is showing here the level of willingness to serve him that his followers must have. Any who will fail to gladly suffer for the cause of Christ is not fit for the cause. This is made quite apparent by Jesus language here. The ‘cross’ seems much more friendly to us than it was or really is. The cross is an instrument of torture and death. It is a sign of condemnation by the world. It is a mark of shame. It is the object of derision. It will be mocked, jeered at, and serve as the butt of every joke. Many have said that to take up one’s cross is the same as taking up one’s electric chair. It is not glamorous, fun, nice, cool, neat, acceptable, or even bearable. Yet, we are asked to take it up and follow him with it.
   Why does Jesus use this kind of language? Why is this so important? The answer lies with the life of Christ himself. He came to die. he came to offer himself for others. He came to love as none other had loved before, or ever shall. In Adam the model was to have dominion, in Christ it is to be a servant. Identification with Christ is what its all about. This cannot be manufactured. Making your own cross, getting yourself martyred on purpose, is not in view here. We are to be just like Christ. He avoided death more than once. But, he submitted himself to the Father’s plan. If death was the only way, he was ready. And, if death is the only way, we should always be ready. Otherwise, we are to live a committed life each day. We are to follow him with the fullest measure of devotion we may muster. We are to bear the burdens with joy as we follow our Master. If he does not excite within us that level of commitment  we are not worthy of him.

Daily Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 Corinthians 3:18

Daily Memory Verse: 1 john 2:8 “Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in him and in you: because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth.”

Daily Tidbit: It seems that, almost every day, I find someone trying to solve a problem without the transforming power of God’s Word. Politicians, social workers, teachers, lawyers, law enforcement, churches, schools, etc., the list could go on and on, mostly seem to be trying to change the world for the better, without the power of Almighty God. This is a grave mistake, and an error that must be corrected. Though I know that we already know the end of the story, and that most people will not be saved, that must not keep us from offering the right answers. We can have many good programs, institutions, personalities, legislation, etc., but we cannot solve the world’s problems without the transforming power of God’s Word in an individual’s life. Change must come on an individual level. We seem to have given that up. We talk of fixing our government, or our schools, or our churches, or our communities. What about fixing ourselves? Can we assume that we are already working right? I think not. If individuals are doing right, then the larger things they are a part of will fix themselves.
   The Word of God transforming individual lives one by one, day by day, is still God’s plan for fixing this world. Who are we to argue with him? What I am saying is simply this: A nation, community, church, whatever, full of nice-acting, well-intentioned, good-loving, hard-working people will ultimately produce the mess we see all around us. That does not mean it is bad to be nice, good, wonderful-acting people, far from it! But, it requires GODLY people to produce something more. Why? Because, without Almighty God, we are still flawed and imperfect.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, You are so good to us. You have been merciful to us in spite of our sin. You lift us up and set us upon higher ground. You make our lives far more than they would otherwise be. You help us understand this world around us. You help us to see the answers in Your Word. You give us infinite worth! Oh Father, to have this sure hope of eternal life with You is the best reason for living! To spend all of eternity knowing You, and discovering the vast possibilities of Your power and glory is overwhelming! I often think of all that man’s imagination has envisioned, and I often wonder what Your imagination must contain. You are limitless, and it is the best task for my mind to think about a limitless person. To consider anything less would be a waste of the faculties that You have given us. You have made us able to think of You, to know You, and that is enough for us. Anything less, however, is beneath us. And that is because You made us that way! How glorious are You and Your great creation is Your great glory! You are far above all that we could ever imagine! I love You! Thank You for Jesus! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a boy who has been sick. Pray for a woman recovering from cataract surgery. Pray for a woman with lost family members. Pray for a man with a difficult job schedule.

Personal Journal Entry #13075

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