Matthew 10:36

36: This verse, as well as the previous one, comes from Micah 7:6. This statement was true of Christ, and not just his disciples. His own brothers did not, at that time, accept his position as the Messiah. His close friend, Judas, would betray him. His disciples would run off and leave him. Also we see this in the words of the Psalmist in Psalm 41:9 and 55:12-14. Because this was true of Christ himself, his ministers could expect no better treatment.
   This sentiment was very disturbing, to be sure. Families were very close in that day, as they should be now. So, to the disciples, the idea of family members being their enemies was not a fun prospect. Indeed, when avoidable, it should be avoided. Only for the cause of Christ is such division justified. Sadly, many families have divided over much less.

Daily Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:1-12:31

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 2:8 “Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in him and in you: because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth.”

Daily Tidbit: The authority of God’s Word is very important. Those who reject the absolute authority of the Word of God will have a hard time proving any legitimacy of it. They will say that it is only an advisory guide. And yet, that leaves too much up to us. When God’s Word is no longer seen as authoritative, it is ultimately piled onto the scraps of history and forgotten. Now, to be sure, the Bible will never be completely forgotten, God protects his Word. However, for many, this has, in a sense, already happened. Rejecting the position of Scripture as an authoritative instruction manual for life is like trying to do brain surgery with a third grade education. It is a dangerous way of doing things. We are not capable of handling life without an authoritative guidebook. We need something sure to stand as a foundation for our logic. When need a starting point.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for all that You mean to me. Every good thing in my life has come from You. I can never thank You enough. It is so good to be able to trust in You for everything. You take such good care of us all! Your mercy, grace, and love are overwhelming! Your justice is a comfort! Your power is so enabling. It helps me get through the day. I don’t ever have to worry, because You are on the throne! It is amazing how wonderful You are! As You care for us each day, we are awed over and over by Your wisdom and tender compassion. Thank You for salvation and all that it brings to our lives. It is a blessing that I will be enjoying forever. Can I ever know all that is mine through Christ? Will I not spend all of eternity discovering more? I think it will take a long time to fully appreciate all that You have done. You are so wonderful! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and Praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a man having a difficult battle with cancer. Pray for a woman with cancer. Pray for a woman having trouble with her eyes.

Personal Journal Entry #13073

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