Matthew 10:32

32: Though in this world it will be largely missed and forgotten, they who minister for the Lord are recognized by the Father through the ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus has given us the task of taking the message of his gospel to the lost world. But, he has the task of representing us to the Father. he is our go-between. He sees what we have to say for him before others. By the way, in the context, this confession is not simply the confession necessary for salvation. It is confessing Christ to others as we witness to them. One of the single most obvious evidences of salvation is the genuine and truthful presentation of the gospel to others. It is nigh impossible for a lost men to be truly interested in sharing the gospel. The urgency of the message is not in such a person.
   Shame has no place in the heart of the believer. Shame for sin is still possible, but, because of forgiveness, can be short-lived. Shame of the gospel should never be found in us. It is never a shame to share the gospel of Christ. It is a wonderful message. It is a joy to discuss. It is not to be forced, but given. It is shared willingly and accepted willingly. Those who are shamed by the gospel, will also be shamed before the Father.

Daily Bible Reading: Romans 12:1-15:33

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 2:7 “I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning.”

Daily Tidbit: When I am weak, then am I strong. This has been the statement of many throughout the history of the church. when faced with persecution, trials, frailty, temptation, etc., Christians will find their greatest strength. The question in my mind then is the nature of this strength. We call it Christ’s strength, for, to be sure, it is his and not ours. And yet, are not we the ones who must be strong? Does he literally stand in our place physically? No, it is still ourselves who face the difficulties of life. So then, to what measure is it him, and to what measure is it us. Jesus answers this question quite simply, “without me ye can do nothing,” which answer is found in John 15:5. In other words, it is us who stands strong against the trials. It is ourselves, in our strength (as he said to Gideon in Judges 6:14). However, where do we get that strength? This is the key. Without him, we are more than just weak, we are nothing at all. Thus we may say with Paul, when I am weak, then am I strong. We are literally given real strength. Almighty God does not make the circumstances easier, but causes them to be what he enables us to bear. By Christ we are given strength to stand in the face of the greatest obstacles of life.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us the strength to get through each day. We know that anything we have comes from You. No ability of ours originated with us no matter how able You have made us to be. The talents that You have gifted us with are all from Your hand. We cannot be impressed with ourselves. when we see the works of our own hands we must be in awe of You, and not ourselves. You give us the ability to be great men and women for You. You help us to love as we could never have thought to love. You give our lives a standard they would not otherwise have. You make it all good. Thank You for all that You do and have done. We must recognize how You have worked in our lives to give us the skill we need to face each day. Your joy fills us up, and we are full. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a woman having trouble with her hip. Pray for a young man taking shots for blood clots. Pray for a young woman who needs a car. Pray for a young woman to pass tests tomorrow in school. Pray for the unspoken requests of two women.

Personal Journal Entry #13069

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