Matthew 10:30

30: Like the sparrows, Almighty God knows all about us. He says here that God knows how many hairs we have. Of course, we lose hair continually, and new hair grows constantly. What is the purpose of this numbering? What could God gain by knowing the number of our hairs? Though Jesus does not here answer this directly, two answers are implied. First, God cares that much. If someone cares for a person they will know things about them that nobody else knows. No matter how close you may be to another human being, or how much they love you, they have likely never counted your hairs on your head. That level of care and concern is limited to God alone. Secondly, this kind of keeping track of things is only natural for God. As the Almighty Creator of the universe, it is no surprise if he knows what is under every rock on Mars, and yet has the time to count how many hairs you will lose today.

Daily Bible Reading: Romans 6:1-8:39

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 2:7 “I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning.”

Daily Tidbit: Isaiah 55:8-9 tell us that the thoughts of Almighty God are more than we could possibly understand. They are high above us. We could not glimpse but a fraction of all that they contain. This is certain. Nobody could conclude that the thoughts of an infinite being could be fully understood by any limited being. Indeed, it is certain that what God Almighty could think in a matter of two seconds all of humanity could not conceive in several thousand years.
   However, allow me to venture into the thoughts of God for just a moment. I will do so on the basis of what Christ said in Matthew 10:30, for without that statement I would have no conception of what I am about to explain. Here, then, is the thought: Almighty God hates sin on a cellular level. What I mean to say is that he knows about every little cell, trillions of them and more, that has ever come into existence. He knows what cells are in your body, when they began, and when they will die. Thus, when he says he hates sin, he does it on a cellular level. He knows about every little cell that has been made to be involved in something that does not honor him. These cells are caused to participate in something that is not the best for them, for his will and way are the best.
   God Almighty also loves people on a cellular level. He loves every tiny part of us. He knows what cells make us, and he loves every one of them. He loves them as a part of us. He is glad and rejoices in his creation. He is proud of it, and well he should be. He nourishes and cares for it, as a natural task for the Good God of the universe. He knows when you are hurting, sees when you are sad, and understands your thoughts on a microscopic level. When you sneeze, God knows what came out, and what stayed. Nobody else, including you, really cares that much. Nobody else can, or does, take that much time with a person. Only in eternity may we begin to understand the true depth of his love for us.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for being You. We so often go to You for our spiritual needs thinking of You only as a great cosmic pastor, or adviser, of some kind. You are much more than that. You are the Cataloger of Existence. You are the Record-holder of the Universe. You are my most concerned physician, lawyer, friend, policeman, provider, etc. You care for me on a level that I don’t even understand. You love me more than I love me. That’s a powerful lot of love! I can’t understand why You love us so much, but I am so glad. It fills my heart and mind with wonderful things. It makes me feel happy to be a part of Your world. You have made it all, and it is all Yours. It is for Your glory and it is a show of Your greatness. Thank You for Your love. Thank You for Jesus, the greatest expression of Your love for us. I love You because You love me. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for a young man with a blood clot in his leg. Pray for a young man with mental problems to get the help he needs. Pray for a woman’s daughter who has cancer. Pray for a woman with bad back pain.

Personal Journal Entry #13067

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