Matthew 10:29

29: Sparrows could be purchased for very little. A farthing would today amount to maybe ten dollars at the most. Thus, Jesus was reminding them that a sparrow was of very little value in man’s estimation. And yet, Almighty God, the Lord of all heaven and earth, cares for the fate of this small creature. He knows what goes on with them. He knows about their lives, and their deaths. This is a wonderful blessing. For Christ to come from heaven and tell us the God even cares for sparrows is a great blessing.

Daily Bible Reading: Romans 3:1-5:21

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 2:6 “He that saith he abideth in him ought also so to walk, even as he walked.

Daily Tidbit: Sparrows were an especially good choice for Jesus to use in his illustration. They are common. They are found almost everywhere (they were brought to America). They are not especially remarkable. There is nothing particularly noticeable about them. But, God notices them.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, thank You for your care for us! If You love the sparrows, we know You love us. What a comfort that is! Your care is so unique. In all the world we cannot find one who can always care and love for us all. You alone can handle everyone at once. You alone can love us all and care for us all. You teach us to love like this. It makes our hearts a better place to have Your love by the power of Christ. Thank You for him and for salvation! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for two men who are undergoing cancer treatments. Pray for a man having trouble with one of his legs. Pray for a man to get his job back.

Personal Journal Entry #13066

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