Matthew 10:27

27: In those days the roofs of the houses were flat. So, yelling, or even speaking, from the rooftops was a good way to get the word out in a hurry. We should not be ashamed to proclaim the Truth of the gospel. As we saw in the last verse, God reveals his Truth. Jesus’ disciples are to be the means by which this Truth of the gospel is revealed.

Daily Bible Reading: Acts 25:1-27:44

Daily Memory Verse: 1 John 2:6 “He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.”

Daily Tidbit: There have been those who believe that Jesus was simply a good example to us. In other words, they believe that his death was not salvific, and they believe various things concerning his resurrection. Though this is heresy, one thing does need to be pointed out. Jesus death and resurrection does indeed bring salvation to us. However, these folks who think he is only a good example do get one thing right. Jesus is a good example, and his example is meant to be followed. What I am saying is that it is just as true to say Jesus is our Savior as to say he is our Master. We are to be his disciples. That means more than simply confessing our faith in his salvific work. It also means living our confession by following his example. The Great Commission is to teach the world everything that Jesus commanded. Simply leading persons to Christ, without teaching them how to be disciples, is an incomplete task.

Praise Journal: Heavenly Father, You are always good to us. Your Truth is sitting right there before us at all times. It is open to us. We can reach out and take it. It is accessible. Thank You for making it that way. It shows us that Your Truth is here for us. It is for our benefit. It is a blessing to us. We couldn’t thank You enough. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Prayer Journal Highlights: Pray for several people with colds.

Personal Journal Entry #13064

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